Bereaved Families
Israeli soldiers enlist knowing that the day may come when they must pay the ultimate price for the defense of their country. Sadly, that tragedy does not end with their untimely passing but continues indefinitely through the suffering of the families they leave behind. Whether widowed spouses, orphaned children, parents, or siblings, entire lives are shaken and irreparably crushed by such deaths and the reverberations are felt throughout the lifetimes of the family members the soldiers loved.
The Helping Israel Fund aims to be there for these families in assisting them in every conceivable and significant way. Besides for emotional support and solidarity, practical means of assistance are provided for the families who may have lost not only a child, parent, or sibling, but also perhaps a primary breadwinner.
An ongoing project of the Helping Israel Fund provides soldiers from financially disadvantaged families with food packages before the major holidays of Rosh Hashana and Passover. In recent years, packages have also been made for dozens of bereaved families who also need assistance in observing the holidays in dignity and comfort.
The Helping Israel Fund is often approached about individual cases of struggling bereaved families, and we do all we can to meet their needs. The number of cases sadly grow from year to year, and it is imperative to let these families know that they are not alone in their darkest time of need.
- We sponsor recreational outings for the family of fallen soldiers so that they can take their minds off of the ever-present feelings of grief and loss, if only for a short while.
- We provide financial support to disadvantaged families of fallen soldiers, including holiday food packages, grocery store credit, appliances, furniture, and clothing.
- We donate deluxe “enlistment kits” to the brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters of fallen soldiers. These amazing young men and women want to carry on in their loved ones’ memories, to serve their country and defend Israel. We will do what we can to ease their service and keep them comfortable and safe.